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Jun 14, 2024
Press Release

Chair Rodgers Unveils Framework for NIH Reform, Requests Stakeholder Input

Effort to begin conversation to revamp the public health agency, restore public trust Washington, D.C. — House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) today unveiled a framework that lays out the current challenges facing the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and contains recommendations for reform. CLICK HERE to view the full framework. In a joint opinion piece with House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Chair Robert Aderholt (R-AL), Chair Rodgers makes the case for why reform is needed and asks for stakeholders to engage thoughtfully in the effort: "Let us be clear: We support the NIH and the critical role it plays in serving Americans, furthering scientific discovery, and ensuring the U.S. remains the world's leading pioneer in basic science and biomedical research innovation. But historical support for what an agency should or could be cannot prevent us from seeking to build upon past lessons or correct areas that have fallen short. "Our message to scientists, researchers, patient advocates, colleagues, and the American people is simple: Our door is open. Work with us. Be a partner. A deliberative, engaging process will lead to better outcomes for all. The framework being released today is just the start of a robust conversation, not a finished product. "The U.S. became a world leader in biomedical innovation because Americans are resourceful, resilient, and entrepreneurial. Let us continue to build on that legacy and work to ensure the NIH continues to deliver on the promises of hope for those in need." CLICK HERE to read the full opinion piece. CLICK HERE for a one-pager on the framework.  Stakeholders who wish to submit any feedback on the framework or provide additional thoughts, ideas, and suggestions for reform can do so by emailing by August 16, 2024. The framework comes following the release of an interim staff report regarding the Committee’s ongoing investigation into a proposed MPXV project at the NIH, which uncovered a lack of oversight and transparency from the Department of Health and Human Services, the NIH, and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. KEY REPORT EXCERPT :  Ultimately, this investigation and interim report underscore the importance of restoring public trust in our government health agencies as well as Congress reasserting its Article I authority. Transparency and accountability are the most pressing remedies.  It also comes amid the Committee’s ongoing investigation into sexual harassment at the NIH and at NIH grantee institutions.  READ : August 10, 2021 : E&C Republican Leaders Question NIH’s Handling of Sexual Harassment Complaints     August 11, 2022 : E&C Republican Leaders follow up with NIH on Insufficient Response to its Letter on the NIH’s handling of Sexual Harassment     November 30, 2022 : E&C Republicans to NIH: Turn Over Previously Requested Information Ahead of New Congress     March 14, 2023 : E&C Republicans Press NIH for Information on Handling of Sexual Harassment Complaints     October 6, 2023 : E&C Republicans Signal Intent to Issue Subpoena to Obtain Information on NIH’s Handling of Sexual Harassment if Questions Go Unanswered     January 26, 2024 : Chair Rogers notifies NIH of Imminent Subpoena     February 5, 2024 : Chair Rodgers Subpoenas NIH for Documents Related to Investigation into Sexual Harassment at NIH and NIH Grantee Institutions    February 20, 2024 : HHS responds on behalf of NIH to offer a rolling in camera document review to the Committee. Documents produced in the review have been highly redacted, including the redaction of the names of individuals convicted of criminal offenses, public news articles about individuals who have been found guilty of harassment, and redaction of the names of the institutions where the abuse occurred—effectively preventing the Committee from understanding if NIH continues to fund work performed by substantiated abusers at other institutions—a practice known as “pass the harasser.”    April 16, 2024 : E&C Republicans Expand Investigation into Sexual Harassment at NIH to now Include Review of HHS Office of Civil Rights Compliance Role   May 9, 2024 : E&C Republicans ask Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra to provide the Committee with the legal basis requiring HHS to redact or hide the names of researchers determined to have committed sexual misconduct.  May 30, 2024 : Evidence Uncovered by E&C Republicans Refutes Secretary Becerra’s Assertion that HHS Takes Action to Prevent Sexual Abusers from Receiving Taxpayer Funding

Jun 13, 2024

Chair Rodgers Opening Remarks at Hearing on CMS Innovation

Washington D.C. — House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) delivered the following opening remarks at today’s Health Subcommittee hearing titled “Checking-In on CMMI: Assessing the Transition to Value-Based Care.” CMMI'S FAILURE TO LOWER COSTS    “The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation was created to help improve how Medicare and Medicaid pay for health care and be an engine in our drive towards value-based care.   “CMMI was given a 10-year, $10 billion budget and extremely wide-ranging authorities with limited built-in congressional oversight.   “The only directives Congress gave CMMI were to achieve two goals: lower the cost of delivering care and improve patient outcomes.   “Over the last decade and a half, CMMI has tested over 50 models. Only two accomplished both of those goals.   “When CMMI was created, the savings it was projected to generate were to be used to offset spending by the Affordable Care Act.   “Originally, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that CMMI would save $1.3 billion over its first decade of operation.  “That same model also projected CMMI to save as much as $77.5 billion in its second decade, from 2020 to 2030.   “However, when CBO looked at the actual results in a September 2023 report, the disparity between those expectations and the reality proved to be staggering.   “Instead of reducing spending by $1.3 billion in the first decade, CMMI increased spending by $5.4 billion.   “For this second decade, instead of saving 77.5 billion dollars, CBO is now projecting CMMI to increase spending by $1.3 billion.   “I have a hard time believing any objective observer could look at the results thus far and describe CMMI as a success.   “So how do we move forward? “Today, we’re joined by Dr. Elizabeth Fowler, the current Director of CMMI, to discuss the Center’s work and understand why it has failed to live up to its intended purpose thus far. “I will note that Dr. Fowler has not been with CMMI throughout its entire existence. “In fact, CMMI has had multiple directors across multiple administrations. “But you are at the helm now and responsible for correcting this program’s trajectory, and while there are some reasons for optimism, a lot of what I have seen is concerning.” CMMI STRAYING FROM ITS CORE MISSION  “I’ve been disappointed to see CMMI devalue drugs approved through the FDA’s Accelerated Approval Pathway—which FDA leadership confirmed meet the agency’s gold-standard just a few weeks ago in this committee.   “This pathway was designed to build on precision medicine, encourage innovation, and allow patients to access needed cures sooner, but CMMI’s decision to cut reimbursements unilaterally for drugs approved via Accelerated Approval undercuts this mission.  “In addition, when Congress passed MACRA, thanks in large part to the work of this Committee, CMMI was given a cental role in driving Medicare’s transition to value-based care.   “While CMMI has developed and tested some new models, largely for primary care physicians, too many clinicians have been left without a pathway to participate in APMs.   “I’m concerned that instead of focusing on fulfilling the role Congress gave CMMI in MACRA and working on developing new APMs, CMMI’s focus has shifted to collecting information on patients' food insecurity and housing needs and requiring providers to waste time writing ridiculous 'health equity plans.’”  SOME POSITIVE OUTCOMES   “While I have concerns on the overall direction and lack of results with CMMI, there have been a few positive outcomes that deserve to be recognized.  “Looking at CMMI’s most recent work, I am glad you are continuing to build on the Accountable Care Organization model.   “While joining an ACO should not be the only pathway for providers to be able to participate in value-based care, these models are among the few that have actually managed to reduce overall spending and should not be abandoned.   “I was encouraged to see CMMI work on trying to improve care for Alzheimer’s and dementia patients.   “Sadly, most people know someone that has suffered from this terrible disease, and I hope that this model is successful in improving community-based care for those patients.   “Lowering the costs of health care in this country has been a primary mission of this Committee this Congress. We are on an unsustainable path and must continue to find ways to reverse the current trend. “This makes it all the more important that CMMI carries out its intended mission and avoids pursuing an alternative agenda. “Dr. Fowler, I am grateful you are here to share your expertise and eager to hear what lessons CMMI has learned and how we can get it back on track to lower costs and improve care.” 

Jun 13, 2024
Press Release

Subcommittee Chair Guthrie Opening Remarks at Hearing on CMS Innovation

Washington D.C. —  House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health Chair Brett Guthrie (R-KY) delivered the following opening remarks at today’s subcommittee  hearing  titled “Checking-In on CMMI: Assessing the Transition to Value-Based Care.”  “Thank you to our witness, Dr. Liz Fowler, for being here with us today as we ‘check-in’ on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation’s progress in lowering costs and improving quality of care paid for by Medicare and Medicaid. “Our health care system has underdone significant changes over the last decade and Americans continue to cite health care costs as a top concern. “More Americans are stuck paying more for health care, more than they ever have in the past.” HEALTH CARE EXPENDITURES RAPIDLY INCREASING ON THE BACKS OF TAXPAYERS AND PATIENTS “Taxpayers are also on the hook for higher health care expenditures. “In 2022, health care spending grew by 4% year-over-year, reaching $4.5 trillion, nearly 17% of U.S. gross domestic product. “During this same time, spending on hospital care reached 30% of total health care spending while physician and clinical services reached 20% of all health care spending.   “Physicians are now being forced to spend more man hours on back-office administrative tasks in efforts by taxpayers to keep costs low.” CMMI FAILED TO ACHIEVE PROJECTED COST SAVINGS “Policy makers and stakeholders from across the health care system have hoped that by embracing value-based care, high costs and physician burnout would be addressed, and patients would receive a higher quality of care.   “The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation was supposed to be a key driver of this movement toward value-based care.   “However, Medicare and Medicaid’s transition to value care has clearly stagnated.   “CMMI was established as a part of the Affordable Care Act with the dual goal of driving better patient outcomes and slowing the growth rate of the Medicare and Medicaid program costs.   “The Congressional Budget Office originally projected that CMMI would not just offset the costs of running pilot programs but drive significant long-term savings across our health care system.   “That unfortunately has not come close to materializing. A September 2023 CBO report found that CMMI’s activities increased spending by almost $5.5 billion.    “Under the Biden administration the Center has undertaken an internal reevaluation.   “While I would hope this strategic refresh would generate a renewed commitment to better fulfilling CMMI’s mission of reducing costs and improving quality in its second decade.   “However, I must admit I am concerned the Center has instead further shifted focus from its Congressionally anointed purpose.   “I would be remised if I didn’t mention a few specific actions CMMI has taken recently that could significantly harm the transition to value-based care.   “The first, is the so-called Accelerating Clinical Evidence model in which CMMI has proposed to slash payments to Part B providers who are prescribing therapies fully approved by the FDA through the Accelerated Approval Pathway.   “This not only undermines the FDA gold standard but penalizes those attempting to drive transformative change for patients that otherwise lack treatment options.”  CMMI IS IMPEDING INNOVATION “I am furthermore concerned about CMMI’s Cell and Gene Therapy Access Model, which may inhibit the states’ ability to use value-based agreements to pay for curative cell-and-gene therapies approved by FDA. “We have 50 incubators across the country in the form of our state Medicaid programs and waiver authorities that give states the ability to shape policies that make the most sense for their budgetary needs and the needs of their beneficiaries. “By CMS directly negotiating drug rates for these therapies, it weakens the ability for states to negotiate directly with manufacturers or to form states compacts that give states greater bargaining power in these situations. “I would instead urge CMMI and CMS to work with Congress to pass my MVP Act, which I’ve worked with Ranking Member Eshoo on, which would codify CMS’ multiple best price rule and truly allow states to use value-based agreements to get life-changing treatments to patients as quickly and as affordably as possible, should be the goal of all of us. “In closing, I hope today’s discussion helps us chart a path forward for CMMI that can ensure the center is better delivering on its mission to facilitate innovation payment models that deliver for patients and taxpayers and reenergize the transition to value-based care.” 

Jun 13, 2024

Consumer Groups, Venues, and Artists Applaud House Passage of the Ticket Act

Washington D.C. —  Consumer advocates and stakeholders agree that H.R. 3950, the  Transparency in Charges for Key Events Ticketing (TICKET) Act , will restore fairness and transparency to the ticketing marketplace. The bill, which  passed the House last month by a vote 388-24 , will significantly enhance the customer experience of buying event tickets online. This united message from stakeholders should send a clear message to the Senate that they must act quickly to pass this important legislation so it can be sent to President Joe Biden’s desk and signed into law. Ticket Buyer Bill of Rights “Congratulations to Representatives Bilirakis and Schakowsky for achieving this important milestone. Today marks the furthest federal live event ticketing reform has gone in nearly a decade. We applaud them for their leadership and their willingness to engage all stakeholders, especially consumer protection organizations, in seeking a truly comprehensive reform package which has consensus by virtually every stakeholder in the debate. We urge the Senate to send the  TICKET Act  to President Biden’s desk as expeditiously as possible.” National Consumers League “Fairness in live event ticketing took a huge step forward today,”  said John Breyault, Vice President of Public Policy, Telecommunications and Fraud at the National Consumers League.  “For decades, the simple act of buying a ticket to see your favorite artist or team has been an exercise in frustration. Thanks to leaders like Chairman Bilirakis and Ranking Member Schakowsky, the days that ticketing companies can get away with ridiculous ticket add-on fees and deceptive resale websites are numbered.” National Independent Venue Association “We commend House passage of H.R. 3950, the  TICKET Act , which will help to improve the ticket buying experience for fans, to protect the livelihoods of artists, and to preserve independent venues across the nation,"  said Stephen Parker, Executive Director of the National Independent Venue Association.  "Not only has the U.S. House of Representatives moved to protect consumers from predatory and deceptive ticketing practices, but states across the country, including Arizona, Maryland, Minnesota and Nevada, have recently banned, without exception, speculative tickets on a bipartisan basis. We call on Congress to do the same, to build on the  TICKET Act  and adopt strong, enforceable, comprehensive ticketing reform legislation like the Fans First Act.” Artist Rights Alliance “ARA applauds the House's passage of the  TICKET Act , a positive move towards increased transparency and fairness in ticketing. We will continue to advocate for a fair and equitable ticketing system that fully supports artists and fans.” Sports Fans Coalition “Today is a momentous day for live event ticketing reform,”  said Brian Hess, Executive Director of Sports Fans Coalition.  “If enacted, this bill will guarantee sports fans all-in pricing, prohibitions on several deceptive sales tactics, and refund requirements for canceled events. We hope the Senate will pass this vital legislation and that President Biden will sign it shortly thereafter.” Recording Academy "Today's passage of the  TICKET Act  by the House of Representatives marks a significant step forward toward improving the concert ticket marketplace,"  said Recording Academy CEO Harvey Mason Jr.  "The  TICKET Act  was a key focus of GRAMMYs on the Hill [...] and the Recording Academy thanks our Congressional leaders for bringing the bill to a vote shortly after meeting with Academy members.” – Recording Academy CEO Harvey Mason Jr. Live Nation (Ticketmaster) “Live Nation applauds House lawmakers for advancing the  TICKET Act . [...] We look forward to working with policymakers to make these changes law.” Coalition for Ticket Fairness "The Coalition for Ticket Fairness (CTF) applauds The House on the passage of The  TICKET Act . Introduced by Subcommittee on Innovation, Data, and Commerce Chair Gus Bilirakis and Ranking Member Jan Schakowsky, The  TICKET Act  represents common sense reforms that will bring much needed transparency into the ticket buying process and give consumers more information as they make purchasing decisions. By empowering consumers, this bill will help lead to a better ticket buying experience and a healthier marketplace. “CTF is proud to have been supportive of the  TICKET Act  from the beginning. We believe in leveling the playing field in the ticket marketplace and ensuring that fans have options. We encourage the Senate to move forward in passing their version of the bill as soon as possible." Fix the Tix Coalition “The Fix the Tix Coalition, representing every major constituency of the music and live events industry, applauds the passage of H.R. 3950, the  TICKET Act , as an important step towards restoring trust in the ticketing ecosystem. The bill provides transparency with all-in pricing, and takes important steps to combat speculative tickets and deceptive websites. [...] The live entertainment ecosystem is counting on Congress to act in the best interests of fans to restore transparency and trust to our country’s broken ticketing system.” Vivid Seats “Vivid Seats applauds Chairman Bilirakis, Congresswoman Schakowsky and the Committee Members for their hard work and dedication to legislation that will help fans across the country. We believe the  TICKET Act  will not only improve the process of purchasing tickets to live events, but its comprehensive approach will increase transparency that has been needed for decades.” NetChoice “Thank you to Rep. Bilirakis and Rep. Schakowsky for leading the House effort to get the  TICKET Act  passed! This pro-consumer legislation will bring much needed transparency to the tickets marketplace.” StubHub “StubHub applauds the House’s overwhelming support of the  TICKET Act  which protects consumers and preserves an innovative and competitive marketplace. It establishes a uniform national standard for all-in pricing for the entire live events industry, creating consistency and strong protections for fans across the US.”  Consumer Action “This bill lets fans know that when they buy a ticket to their favorite events, they’ll be assured that the ticket is real, the price is clear and a refund is available if the event is cancelled. That’s some real progress for consumers,”  said Ruth Susswein, Consumer Action’s Director of Consumer Protection.

Chair Rodgers Opening Remarks at Hearing on Securing America's Critical Materials Supply Chains

Washington D.C. — House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) delivered the following opening remarks at today’s Environment, Manufacturing, and Critical Materials Subcommittee hearing titled “Securing America’s Critical Materials Supply Chains and Economic Leadership.” “Today’s hearing is an opportunity to examine how we reduce our dependence on China and take the steps necessary to maintaining American economic leadership for decades to come. “An important step to achieving this is to significantly increase our domestic production and supply of critical materials, which are foundational to America’s ability to manufacture goods like batteries, electric grid components, semiconductors, and advanced energy technologies, which are crucial to our economic and national security. “If we fail, America will continue to be dangerously reliant upon others for these critical materials, in particular, adversaries, like China, and vulnerable to supply chain disruptions and market manipulation. “It starts with having an honest conversation about what has led us to where we are today and how we have become so dependent on others. “Only then will we be able to advance the solutions necessary to creating the regulatory predictability needed for mining, processing, and refining of these materials domestically, ending our reliance on others, ensuring stable access to critical materials, boosting American manufacturing, and protecting America’s economic future and national security.” HOW WE GOT HERE “Over the last several decades, America’s capacity to mine, process, and refine minerals has been decimated. “The United States was once one of the world’s leading producers of the minerals and metals that are foundational to America’s economic success and national security. “Today, more than 90 percent of those minerals are under the control of the Chinese Communist Party. “Their supply chains stretch from the jungles of the African Congo to smelters and refineries in China. “We have allowed them to establish a monopoly on the core components needed to produce the batteries powering our smartphones, computers, electric cars, and many renewable sources of energy. “To make matters worse, they do this with zero regard for any environmental, labor, or human rights standards. “The Biden administration’s rush to green agenda will only further solidify China’s stranglehold on the market. “By advancing policies that mandate technologies whose core components can only be sourced from China while failing to advance policies to onshore production of those core components, we are only further enriching China—the largest polluter in the world. “The Inflation Reduction Act and Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act were filled with these mandates and pumped hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars into subsidizing the purchasing of these technologies, exasperating the problem. “We cannot continue doing the same thing over and over again and expect anything to change.” BIDEN’S CRUSHING REGULATIONS “We have to get serious about getting to the root cause of the problem, which is overburdensome regulation and start advancing the policies necessary to onshoring production of critical materials. “The U.S. has enacted the strongest environmental laws in the world, which have helped us clean up our air and water over the last half century. “It’s possible to continue building on our legacy of environmental stewardship without pushing our supply chains overseas. “To do this, however, we need reasonable solutions rather than a continuation of the current regulatory and legal environment that has all but forced U.S. mines and smelters out of business or out of the country. “The good news is that the U.S. has been blessed with tremendous natural resources. We have a rich history of harnessing and leveraging these resources through free market principles. “Today I look forward to discussing what is necessary to continue building on that legacy. “We do it by standing up for American values of free market competition, innovation, environmental stewardship; better aligning our environmental goals with our goals for economic growth and national security, and securing and growing our critical material supply chains to end America’s dependence on adversaries like China.”

Jun 12, 2024

Chair Rodgers Opening Remarks at Full Committee Markup of 13 Health Bills

Washington D.C. — House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) delivered the following opening remarks at today’s Full Committee markup of 13 bills.  “Today the Committee on Energy and Commerce is taking action on 13 bipartisan bills from the health subcommittee to improve the health and wellbeing of the American people. “It is also Mr. James’s first full committee markup. I know he’s hit the ground running on our committee and has a bill on the agenda today. I’m thankful for his contributions.” SUPPORTING MOTHERS AND CHILDREN “A number of bills today continue the important work of the committee to support moms and children.   “For example, the Accelerating Kids Access to Care Act will make it easier for children enrolled in Medicaid to get the important specialty care they need.   “Dr. Miller Meeks has been a leader on this legislation, and we heard testimony from Iowa Children’s Hospital of the needless and detrimental delays in care due to red tape.   “This bill is even more important now with exciting innovation in cell and gene therapies that could cure children with sickle cell and other rare diseases, but potentially require children to travel across the country.   “Next is the SHINE for Autumn Act, which passed this committee and the House floor overwhelmingly last Congress.  “This is the second piece of legislation we’ve moved to help prevent the heartbreaking tragedy of still birth.   “I want to share a special thanks to Debbie Haine, who is in the audience today, for her steadfast support and dedication to raising awareness on stillbirths for over a decade.   “This bill is named after her daughter Autumn Joy, who was born still on July 8, 2011. We are honored to remember Autumm today and thank Debbie for her tireless advocacy.  “In addition, my friend, Representative Chris Smith, has for decades led the effort for more research into autism, and the best ways to support the entire population of individuals with autism and their families.   “The latest reauthorization of the Autism CARES Act, which I am proud to support today, continues important HHS wide programs to further those goals.   “We will also move Representative Obernolte’s HOLD Act forward, to further support living organ donors who give the miraculous gift of life to patients in need.  “And while not included on today's agenda, reauthorizing the pediatric rare disease priority review voucher program at FDA ahead of its September 30th expiration remains a top priority.  “Patients with rare diseases and their families continue to push for action, and by continuing to work together, we can pass it out of this committee with broad bipartisan support.”  IMPROVING MEDICAID PROGRAM INTEGRITY   “We are also voting on four bills to improve program integrity in Medicaid.  “Bills from Representatives Bilirakis, Miller-Meeks, D’Esposito, and Garcia will all reduce the rate of improper payments by ensuring that only current, living beneficiaries are enrolled in Medicaid and only legitimate providers participate in the program.  “Bills that require timely disenrolling of deceased beneficiaries from Medicaid may seem obvious, but the Office of the Inspector General continues to find it is an issue.   “I’m glad these members have prioritized being good stewards of Medicaid funds.”  STRENGTHENING TELEHEALTH & SENIOR ACCESS TO CARE    “And finally, I want to highlight the work the Committee continues to do to help seniors access health care.   “This committee led on site neutral reforms as part of the Lower Cost, More Transparency Act to make sure that seniors paid the same out of their own pocket for drug administration, regardless of whether it was administered in a hospital or at a doctor’s office.  “During COVID-19, seniors were able to get specialty medications directly from their oncologist, but that is no longer the case.   “Ms. Harshbarger's legislation will re-establish this option for seniors for another five years.  “And we will continue work to improve access to telehealth in Medicare.   “Mr. James’s legislation will ensure program integrity measures are in place so we can more effectively see how telehealth is working for patients on Medicare.  “Ms. Steele’s legislation will make telehealth more accessible for patients with limited English proficiency.   “I'll note that Members and our staff continue to work on a fully paid for package to extend telehealth flexibilities for seniors and include additional priorities on diabetic and cardiac care. “I am optimistic we will be able to move that package before the August recess and well before those authorities expire at the end of the year. “I want to thank all of the members for their hard work on these bills and taking the time necessary to get the policy right and move policies in a fiscally responsible way. “All the legislation today that increases spending in Medicare or Medicaid is offset with reductions in Medicare or Medicaid spending. “I am proud of all that we have, and continue, to accomplish working together.” 

Jun 12, 2024

Full Committee Markup Recap: E&C Advances 13 Health Related Bills to the Full House

The Energy and Commerce Committee today advanced 13 health related bills to the full House to improve the health and wellbeing of the American people. Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) said: “I want to thank all of the members for their hard work on these bills and taking the time necessary to get the policy right and move policies in a fiscally responsible way […] I am proud of all that we have, and continue, to accomplish working together.” Legislative Vote Summary:   H.R. 6020 , Honor Our Living Donors Act, led by Reps. Obernolte and DelBene, has been agreed to, as amended, by a roll call vote of 42 Yeas to 0 Nays.  H.R. 455 , To amend the Controlled Substances Act to fix a technical error in the definitions, led by Reps. Burchett and Cohen, has been agreed to, without amendment, by a roll call vote of 44 Yeas to 0 Nays. H.R. 4534 , Women and Lung Cancer Research and Preventative Services Act of 2023, led by Reps. Boyle and Fitzpatrick, has been agreed to, as amended, by a roll call vote of 44 Yeas to 0 Nays.  H.R. 5012 , Stillbirth Health Improvement and Education (SHINE) for Autumn Act of 202, led by Reps. Y. Kim and Castor, has been agreed to, without amendment, by a roll call vote of 45 Yeas to 0 Nays.  H.R. 7213 , Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education, and Support (CARES) Act of 2024, led by Reps. C. Smith and Cuellar, has been agreed to, as amended, by a roll call vote of 42 Yeas to 0 Nays.  H.R. 8084 , LIVE Beneficiaries Act, led by Reps. Bilirakis and Craig, has been agreed to, as amended, by a roll call vote of 46 Yeas to 0 Nays.  H.R. 8089 , Medicare and Medicaid Fraud Prevention Act of 2024, led by Reps. M. Garcia and Peters, has been agreed to, as amended, by a roll call vote of 45 Yeas to 0 Nays.  H.R. 8111 , To amend the title XIX of the Social Security Act to ensure the reliability of address information provided under the Medicaid program, led by Reps. Miller-Meeks and Cartwright, has been agreed to, as amended, by a roll call vote of 46 Yeas to 0 Nays.  H.R. 8112 , To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to further require certain additional provider screening under the Medicaid program, led by Rep. D’Esposito, has been agreed to, as amended, by a roll call vote of 45 Yeas to 0 Nays.  H.R. 4758 , Accelerating Kids’ Access to Care Act, led by Reps. Trahan and Miller-Meeks, has been agreed to, as amended, by a roll call vote of 42 Yeas to 0 Nays.  H.R. 5526 , Seniors’ Access to Critical Medications Act , led by Reps. Harshbarger and Wasserman Schultz, has been agreed to, as amended, by a roll call vote of 41 Yeas to 0 Nays.  H.R. 6033 , Supporting Patient Education and Knowledge (SPEAK) Act of 2023, led by Reps. Steel and Gomez, has been agreed to, as amended, by a roll call vote of 40 Yeas to 0 Nays.  H.R. 7858 , Telehealth Enhancement for Mental Health Act of 2024, led by Reps. James and D.G. Davis, has been agreed to, as amended, by a roll call vote of 40 Yeas to 0 Nays.

UPDATED TIME: Environment, Manufacturing, and Critical Materials Subcommittee Hearing on Critical Materials

Washington D.C. – The House Energy and Commerce Committee Environment, Manufacturing, and Critical Materials Subcommittee hearing  will now start at 11:30 AM ET.         WHAT:  An Environment, Manufacturing, and Critical Materials Subcommittee hearing to discuss ways to secure America’s critical material supply chains and reduce our dependence on foreign adversaries, like China.  DATE: Thursday, June 13, 2024        WHEN: 11:30 AM ET  LOCATION: 2322 Rayburn House Office Building       This notice is at the direction of the Chair. The hearings will be open to the public and press and will be live streamed online at . If you have any questions concerning the Subcommittee on Communications and Technology hearings, please contact Noah Jackson at . If you have any press-related questions, please contact Sean Kelly at

Jun 12, 2024

UPDATED TIME: Health Subcommittee Hearing on Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation

Washington D.C. – The House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee hearing will now start at 11:00 AM ET.    WHAT: A Health Subcommittee Hearing to discuss the state of CMS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation and hear from the head of CMMI about challenges relating to their intended mission.  DATE: Thursday, June 13, 2024  WHEN: 11:00 AM ET LOCATION: 2123 Rayburn House Office Building  This notice is at the direction of the Chair. The hearings will be open to the public and press and will be live streamed online at . If you have any questions concerning the Subcommittee on Communications and Technology hearings, please contact Noah Jackson at . If you have any press-related questions, please contact Sean Kelly at