
On the House Floor Updates

Jul 9, 2024
Press Release

Chairs Rodgers and Guthrie Applaud Bipartisan National Plan to End Parkinson's Act Being Signed into Law

Washington, D.C. — House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) and Health Subcommittee Chair Brett Guthrie (R-KY) issued the following statement after H.R. 2365, the Dr. Emmanuel Bilirakis and Honorable Jennifer Wexton National Plan to End Parkinson’s Act , was signed into law: "This bipartisan legislation will help support research into prevention, diagnosis, and treatment options for patients with Parkinson’s disease, which an estimated one million Americans live with every day. It is a huge step forward for patients, their loved ones, and caretakers working to support those battling the disease,” said Chairs Rodgers and Guthrie. "We commend Reps. Gus Bilirakis and Paul Tonko for shepherding this legislation through the Energy and Commerce Committee, both chambers of Congress, and to the President’s desk.” Congressman Bilirakis also added, “I celebrate this important milestone in memory of my dear brother, other family members, and on behalf of all Americans who are still struggling with this debilitating disease. It takes a terrible toll on the physical, emotional and economic well-being of everyone involved. The lack of treatment options leave patients, families, and American taxpayers in a terrible quandary. We must change our approach to get better results, which is exactly what our legislation will do. It builds upon past successes and strives to replicate other national project models that have helped advance health care goals and treatment options. This critical legislation will provide hope to those who are suffering and hopefully lead to better patient outcomes with less expensive disease management. I thank my colleagues and the many patient advocates who helped us get the bill across the finish line!” H.R 2365 was reported out of the Energy and Commerce Committee by a vote of 47 – 0 on December 6, 2023. It passed the House by a bipartisan vote of 407 – 9 on December 14, 2023, and passed by the Senate unanimously on May 23, 2024. President Biden signed H.R. 2365, the Dr. Emmanuel Bilirakis and Honorable Jennifer Wexton National Plan to End Parkinson’s Act , into law on July 2, 2024. 

May 15, 2024
On the House Floor

Energy and Commerce Leaders Hail House Passage of the Bipartisan TICKET Act

Washington D.C. —  Today, House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), Committee Ranking Member Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), Innovation, Data, and Commerce Subcommittee Chair Gus Bilirakis (R-FL), and Subcommittee Ranking Member Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) released the following statement on H.R. 3950, the  Transparency In Charges for Key Events Ticketing (TICKET) Act,  which passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 388 - 24: “This consensus legislation will end deceptive ticketing practices that frustrate consumers who simply want to enjoy a concert, show, or sporting event by restoring fairness and transparency to the ticket marketplace. After years of bipartisan work, we will now be able to enhance the customer experience of buying event tickets online. We look forward to continuing to work together to urge quick Senate passage so that we can send it to the President's desk to be signed into law.” The TICKET Act would increase transparency and fairness in the live event ticket marketplace by:  Requiring the total price of an event ticket be displayed upfront, inclusive of all fees Banning the sale of a ticket that a seller does not have (“speculative ticketing”) Guaranteeing refunds for event cancellations and postponements  Requiring clear disclosures and banning deceptive URLS to protect consumers from fraudulent ticketing websites Requiring the Federal Trade Commission study and report on enforcement of the BOTS Act (Pub.L. 114-274)

Chair Rodgers Statement on House Passage of NTIA Reauthorization

Washington D.C. — Today, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 4510, the National Telecommunications Information and Administration Reauthorization Act , led by Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Communications and Technology Chair Bob Latta (R-OH) and Subcommittee Ranking Member Doris Matsui (D-CA). Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) released the following statement upon passage: “For continued American leadership, we must ensure the NTIA’s mission, structure, and responsibilities reflect the modern communications ecosystem. This legislation reauthorizes the National Telecommunications and Information Administration for the first time in over 30 years and modernizes the mission of the agency. NTIA plays an important role in our ongoing efforts to close the digital divide and secure connectivity for every American. I thank Reps. Latta and Matsui for leading on this legislation to give the NTIA clear direction and ensure the U.S. is dominating in everything from responsible management of our spectrum resources to broadband and artificial intelligence.” 

Chair Rodgers Statements on Eight Innovation, Data, and Commerce Bills Passing the House

Washington D.C. — This week, the House of Representatives passed eight bills from the House Energy and Commerce Innovation, Data, and Commerce Subcommittee. The bills increase price transparency in ticketing, promote resilient supply chains, enhance product safety standards, and more. Upon House passage, Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) released the following statements: H.R. 4310, the Youth Poisoning Protection Act : “With self-poisonings on the rise since 2017, we must protect children from products with extremely high concentrations of sodium nitrite. I thank Reps. Trahan, Carey, Porter, and Stewart for their crucial legislation that will help prevent sickness or even a tragic loss of life.” H.R. 4814, the Consumer Safety Technology Act : “As emerging technologies like AI and blockchain change rapidly and become engrained in our society, we have an opportunity to use these new tools to improve important product safety protections. I applaud Reps. Soto, Burgess, Trahan, and Guthrie for their leadership to ensure federal agencies stay up to date with new technologies.” H.R. 5390, the Critical Infrastructure Manufacturing Feasibility Act :   “This bipartisan legislation helps strengthen our domestic supply chain by reviewing where we can bolster American manufacturing and become less reliant on China. I commend Reps. Miller-Meeks, Bucshon, Spanberger, Kuster, and Schrier for their important work to help win the future and beat China.” technologies.” H.R. 1797, the Setting Consumer Standards for Lithium-Ion Batteries Act : “If lithium-ion batteries are not safely used, charged, and stored, they are prone to starting fires—threatening people’s safety. This much-needed legislation will create product safety standards for these batteries, including when coming in from China. I commend Reps. Torres, Garbarino, Clarke, Ryan, Bowman, D’Esposito, Espaillat, and Goldman for their leadership to protect Americans from these dangers.” H.R. 6572, the Deploying American Blockchains Act of 2023 :  “By supporting competitiveness in emerging technologies like blockchains, America—not China—will lead the next era of innovation and entrepreneurship. I commend Reps. Bucshon and Blunt Rochester for championing this legislation to ensure our regulatory environment keeps pace with constantly evolving technology.” H.R. 6571, the Promoting Resilient Supply Chains Act of 2023 : “American supply chain resiliency is key to the development and competitiveness of U.S. production and manufacturing. I thank Reps. Bucshon and Blunt Rochester for their bipartisan legislation to strengthen our supply chains and help cement our leadership in the development and deployment of emerging H.R. 6132, the Awning Safety Act of 2023 :   “The Awning Safety Act is key to creating important safety standards for retractable awnings. I thank Reps. Balderson and Castor for their bipartisan leadership on this legislation to improve product safety and reduce the use of potentially dangerous awnings, preventing injury or even a tragic loss of life."  NOTE: Chair Rodgers, Ranking Member Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), Innovation, Data, and Commerce Subcommittee Chair Gus Bilirakis (R-FL), and Subcommittee Ranking Member Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) also released the following joint statement on H.R. 3950, the Transparency In Charges for Key Events Ticketing (TICKET) Act : “This consensus legislation will end deceptive ticketing practices that frustrate consumers who simply want to enjoy a concert, show, or sporting event by restoring fairness and transparency to the ticket marketplace. After years of bipartisan work, we will now be able to enhance the customer experience of buying event tickets online. We look forward to continuing to work together to urge quick Senate passage so that we can send it to the President's desk to be signed into law.”

May 14, 2024
Press Release

Chairs Rodgers and Guthrie Applaud Passage of Legislation to Protect Children’s Health

Washington, D.C. — House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) and Subcommittee on Health Chair Brett Guthrie (R-KY) issued the following statements after the House passed HR. 4581, the Maternal and Child Health Stillbirth Prevention Act of 2023 , and H.R. 6960, the Emergency Medical Services for Children Reauthorization Act of 2024:   On H.R. 4581, which was passed out of the Energy and Commerce Committee by a vote of 44-0 on March 20, 2024:   “This bipartisan legislation will help save lives by providing much needed clarity for States to use already appropriated federal funds more efficiently. We thank Reps. Hinson and Adams for their leadership of this effort.”  On H.R. 6960, which was passed out of the Energy and Commerce Committee by a vote of 48-0 on March 20, 2024: “This crucial legislation will strengthen pediatric units in emergency departments, ensuring children with critical illnesses can better access the care they need. We commend Reps. Carter, Joyce, Castor and Schrier for leading this bipartisan effort.”

May 13, 2024
Press Release

Rodgers, Barrasso Bill to Ban Russian Uranium, Revive American Nuclear Fuel Production is Signed into Law

Washington, D.C. — Today, House Committee on Energy and Commerce Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) and Senator John Barrasso (R-WY), ranking member of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, released the following statements celebrating the enactment of H.R. 1042 , legislation to ban Russian uranium imports into the United States. “It is time for America to end it's over reliance on Russia's uranium supply, which has stunted our domestic nuclear fuel infrastructure and poses a risk to our energy and national security,” said Chair Rodgers. “I commend Senator John Barrasso for his leadership to shepherd this important bill through the Senate, which will ban fuel imports from Russia and help restore American nuclear leadership and fuel security for decades to come." “Today, we officially ended Russia’s chokehold on America’s uranium supply,” said Senator Barrasso. “I want to thank Chair Rodgers for her leadership in getting this critical bill signed into law. Banning imports of Russian uranium will jumpstart America’s nuclear fuel industry, further defund Russia’s war machine, and help revive American uranium production for decades to come. As our nation’s leading uranium producer, Wyoming is ready to do our part to power American reactors with American nuclear fuel. Russia’s dominance of the world’s nuclear fuel supply chain is coming to an end.”  BACKGROUND: Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers introduced H.R. 1042 on February 14, 2023. Senator John Barrasso introduced companion legislation S. 763 on March 9, 2023. The House passed H.R. 1042 by voice vote on December 11, 2023. The Senate passed H.R. 1042 by unanimous consent on April 30, 2024.  H.R. 1042 being signed into law is a necessary prerequisite to unlocking the private capital needed to build a domestic nuclear fuel supply and aligns with the Nuclear Fuel Security Act , legislation to help bolster our domestic uranium and advanced nuclear fuel supplies, which was included in the National Defense Authorization Act of 2024 and signed into law last December.  CLICK HERE to read the text of the bill. 

May 7, 2024

Chair Rodgers on the House Floor: “The Biden administration is out of touch with the American people”

H.R. 6192 protects Americans from federal mandates that drive up costs Washington D.C. — House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) spoke on the House Floor in support of H.R. 6192 , which will stop the Biden administration’s attack on consumer freedom and preserve the affordability, availability, and quality of the household appliances Americans rely on. Her prepared remarks are below: “I would like to start by thanking the bill sponsor, Mrs. Debbie Lesko of Arizona, and the Members of the Energy and Commerce Committee for advancing this bill through regular order. “The U.S. is blessed with tremendous natural resources. We have the cleanest oil and natural gas in the world, emissions-free nuclear, hydropower, and renewables. “We also have the world’s best workforce, and an innovative spirit that has contributed to technological breakthroughs that have changed the world. “For centuries, American innovation has led to new technologies that have improved people’s lives. “From the light bulb and the home refrigerator to air conditioning, the washing machine, and the dishwasher, these inventions are ingrained in modern life, and they were not the result of aggressive government mandates or regulation—but of American ingenuity.” OUT OF CONTROL APPLIANCE MANDATES “Sadly, the Biden administration’s war on American energy is now reaching inside Americans’ homes. “Through sue-and-settle agreements with radical environmental activists, the Department of Energy has reached backroom deals to impose new regulations on dozens of appliances that Americans rely on every single day. “Last year, the Biden administration attempted to ban gas stoves. “Thankfully DOE changed course after bipartisan opposition and an overwhelming vote by Congress to reverse the ban. “These new mandates are forcing people to spend more for less reliable options. “This comes at a time when Americans are already being crushed by rising costs thanks to Bidenflation. “By continuing to double down on policies like these, the Biden administration is showing just how out of touch they are with the financial struggle the vast majority of Americans are feeling. “Americans simply can’t afford President Biden’s rush-to-green agenda." HANDS OFF OUR HOME APPLIANCES “The bill led by Mrs. Lesko seeks to protect Americans from federal mandates that result in minimal energy savings while significantly driving up costs for consumers. “It ensures that DOE is only allowed to adopt efficiency regulations on home appliances that are cost-effective, technologically feasible, and save a significant amount of energy. “This will benefit Americans across the country, and should be a bipartisan issue, which is why I urge my colleagues to join me in support of this legislation to send a strong message to the Biden Administration.”

May 7, 2024

Combatting President Biden’s Attack on Consumers' Freedom

On the House Floor: H.R. 6192 to reform the Energy Policy Conservation Act The Biden administration is waging war on American energy, and this war is making its way into Americans’ homes. President Biden and Department of Energy (DOE) Secretary Granholm are sacrificing peoples’ ability to purchase affordable and reliable products for their homes in their pursuit of a radical rush-to-green agenda. Housing prices and utility bills are already too high for Americans, but that isn’t stopping the administration from continuing to impose burdensome regulations. Since taking office, the Biden administration has been attacking common and popular household appliances in the name of “energy efficiency.” In fact, last year the Biden administration proposed a ban on gas stoves as part of its war against fossil fuels. More recently, the DOE has announced plans to regulate washers, dryers, dishwashers, refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, and more, which is forcing people to spend more for less reliable options. Even worse, these new regulations fail to accomplish their stated goals as they will NOT save a significant amount of energy and are NOT cost-effective. For example, the DOE’s own analysis finds that efficiency mandates on dishwashers could increase the upfront cost by 28% and it could take consumers 12 years to payback the increased costs on a product that may only last 7-12 years.    This comes at a time when Americans are already being crushed by rising costs thanks to Bidenflation. By continuing to double down on policies like these, the Biden administration is showing just how out of touch they are with the financial struggles the vast majority of Americans are feeling. In contrast, House Republicans are leading to protect Americans from federal mandates that result in minimal energy savings while significantly driving up costs. Today, the House will consider H.R. 6192, the Hands Off Our Home Appliances Act , led by Congresswoman Debbie Lesko (R-AZ), to preserve the affordability, availability, and quality of the household appliances Americans rely on every day. Here’s why H.R. 6192 is important: Enacted in 1975, the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA) provides specific criteria the DOE must follow in order to propose a new appliance efficiency standard. The DOE may only propose a new standard if it results in a significant conservation of energy, is technologically feasible, and economically justified. The Biden administration has consistently ignored these critical consumer protections by proposing and finalizing standards that violate the statute. H.R. 6192 would prevent this abuse by: Eliminating unnecessary and duplicative rulemaking requirements  Authorizing the Secretary of Energy to amend or revoke a standard if it increases costs for consumers, does not result in significant energy or water savings, is not technologically feasible, or results in the unavailability of product  Protecting affordability by requiring the DOE to consider the cost to low-income households and the full-life cycle cost of appliances when determining if the new standard is economically justified  Establishing minimum thresholds for energy or water savings that must be achieved before imposing new standards  Prohibiting the Secretary of Energy from banning products based on what type of fuel that product uses (no natural gas bans)  Bottomline:  At a time when the American people are struggling under the crushing weight of Bidenflation, the last thing they need is more government mandates that drive up costs and fail to achieve their stated mission.

Chair Rodgers and Ranking Member Pallone Applaud Passage of H.R. 7520 and H.R. 7521

Washington, D.C. — House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) and Ranking Member Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) praised the inclusion of H.R. 7520, the Protecting Americans’ Data from Foreign Adversaries Act of 2024, and H.R. 7521, the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act, in the 21 st Century Peace Through Strength Act that passed the House today. “These bills are the result of diligent and bipartisan work to protect Americans’ data and address the serious national security threat posed by our adversaries. Today’s vote is a clear victory for protecting Americans online and off, but there is still work to be done,” said Chair Rodgers and Ranking Member Pallone. “Companies and bad actors are collecting troves of our data unchecked and using it to exploit, monetize, and manipulate Americans of all ages. This cannot be allowed to continue, which is why today’s actions are an important step forward as the Energy and Commerce Committee continues to work together on tech accountability measures.”