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Jul 25, 2024
Press Release

E&C Leaders Ask DOJ, HHS for Information Regarding Unusual Process for Marijuana Rescheduling

Washington, D.C. — In a new letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland and Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra, House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) and Subcommittee on Health Chair Brett Guthrie (R-KY) requested information related to rescheduling of marijuana.  KEY LETTER EXCERPTS :  “We write to express our concerns with the recent notice of proposed rulemaking titled ‘Schedules of Controlled Substances: Rescheduling of Marijuana,’ to transfer marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule III of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). The circumstances surrounding this proposed rule are unusual, and we are concerned by the process that led to this determination.”  [...]  “We support research into innovative therapies to improve patient outcomes, but we are concerned with how the normal process was circumvented to achieve a result for political purposes and we have a number of unanswered questions.”  BACKGROUND :  History:   Marijuana is a psychoactive substance that has been listed in Schedule I since the CSA was enacted in 1970.  All substances in Schedule I are classified as having no accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.  This means that the manufacturing, possession, and distribution of marijuana is illegal at the federal level, except for certain research approved by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).  During the Obama administration in 2016, the DEA and HHS, acting through the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), conducted a multi-year review of whether to transfer marijuana from Schedule I to a lesser schedule. Both the DEA and HHS agreed that marijuana continued to meet the criteria to be considered a Schedule I substance.  HHS concluded that “[…] marijuana has a high potential for abuse, has no accepted medical use in the United States, and lacks an acceptable level of safety for use even under medical supervision.”  President Biden made a public statement on October 6, 2022, issuing pardons for all simple possession federal offenses of marijuana, requesting all Governors do the same with state level offenses, and requiring HHS and DOJ to begin the administrative process to quickly review how marijuana is scheduled under federal law.  While the administration has the authority to alter a substance’s scheduling status, it is bound by the CSA to consider factors, including whether a substance has a medical use and to determine its potential for abuse and dependence, prior to changing its scheduling status.  Process:   The DEA typically determines whether a substance has a medical use if it has been approved for marketing under the Food Drug and Cosmetic Act (FDCA) and by conducting a five-part test, which considers the following:  (1) there were adequate safety studies,  (2) the drug’s chemistry is known and reproducible,  (3) there are adequate and controlled studies,  (4) the drug is accepted by qualified experts, and  (5) there is widely available scientific evidence.  However, this proposed rule indicates that HHS notified the DEA that HHS disagreed with the existing process and decided to develop its own test to determine whether a substance has medical use under the CSA.  This test is comprised of two considerations:  (1) if there is widespread medical use of such a substance under the supervision of a licensed health care practitioner operating within a State-authorized program and,  (2) if so, there is credible scientific evidence to support medical use of such substance.  HHS analyzed marijuana by utilizing its own two-part test, determined it has a medical use, and therefore recommended to transfer marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule III of the CSA.  DOJ received HHS’s recommendation and declared that this new two-part test is sufficient to establish medical use, which is an unusual deviation from the typical process.  It is notable that the proposed rule states, “DEA has not yet made a determination as to its views of the appropriate schedule for marijuana,” seeming to indicate that the DEA is not yet convinced of the merits of this review.  Additionally, most of the professional organizations listed in the HHS “Basis for the Recommendation to Reschedule Marijuana into Schedule III of the Controlled Substances Act” have released position statements that either request more evidence or oppose using marijuana as medicine for their specialties.  Further Considerations:   To date, the FDA has not approved a New Drug Application (NDA) necessary to have satisfied the criteria required under the previous five-factor analysis, such as adequate and well-controlled studies proving safety and efficacy, for a drug product containing botanical marijuana to treat any medical condition(s); thus, it has remained a Schedule I drug without a currently accepted medical use.  This is misaligned from typical practice, as the presence of a marketing application approved to treat a certain condition or disease has been central to the FDA's determinations.  The Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) potency in marijuana is also continuing to increase.  According to the proposed rule, THC potency has spiked from about three percent in 1991 to 17 percent in 2017 and it notes, “[…] DEA anticipates that additional data on public safety risks, risks from acute and chronic marijuana use via oral and inhaled administration routes, and the impact of THC potency may be appropriate for consideration.”  The proposed rule also states, “the vast majority of professional organizations did not recommend the use of marijuana in their respective specialties; however, none specifically recommended against it, with the exception of the American Psychiatric Association, which states that marijuana is known to worsen certain psychiatric conditions.”  Further, HHS’s own report to Congress titled “Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids and Barriers to Research” states that “[m]ore research is needed to evaluate the therapeutic potential of cannabis and cannabinoids as a means of safely and effectively treating various indications […] it is also worth noting that the U.S. jurisdictions that have legalized the use of cannabis products for medicinal purposes have often done so with inadequate scientific research to support all allowable uses.”  CLICK HERE to read the letter.

Jul 25, 2024
Press Release

Bipartisan E&C Leaders Press WADA President for Additional Information About its Failure to Penalize Chinese Swimmers Who Failed Drug Doping Tests

Letter comes on the eve of athletes competing in the Paris Olympics and after WADA’s President refused to attend an Energy and Commerce Committee oversight hearing Washington, D.C. — In a new letter to World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) President Witold Banka, bipartisan House Energy and Commerce Committee leaders pressed for answers regarding WADA’s handling of positive doping cases within China’s national swimming team ahead of the Tokyo Olympics. The letter contains questions that bipartisan Committee Members would have asked during a recent Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations hearing , which Mr. Banka was invited to attend but refused to appear. Witnesses that did testify at the hearing included: Michael Phelps, American swimmer and Olympic gold medalist   Allison Schmitt, American swimmer and Olympic gold medalist   Travis Tygart , Chief Executive Officer, United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) KEY EXCERPTS:   “We write today to express our sincere disappointment at your refusal to accept our invitation to attend and provide testimony at our recent Subcommittee hearing. Members of Congress have important questions for the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and are especially concerned about recent reports of your handling of dozens of cases of doping within the Chinese swimming team.  “WADA purports to maintain the integrity of sports by creating a fair and competitive sporting environment free from doping. As a U.S. taxpayer supported entity, WADA has a responsibility to the American people to ensure this integrity by enforcing international testing requirements. We believe WADA has fallen short of this important mission. ”  [...]   “ We are particularly concerned with the excessive deference being extended toward CHINADA—a state-funded operation with leadership deeply intertwined with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), as current [Chinese Anti-Doping Agency] CHINADA director Li Zhiquan also serves as a Committee Secretary for the CCP. At a meeting in 2023, Zhiquan called on CHINADA employees to be 'loyal to the party' and to 'hold high the great banner of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.' Furthermore, WADA’s reported sponsorship arrangement with ANTA Sports—the Chinese athletic company sponsoring the Chinese Olympic Committee and China’s national swimming federation—could be perceived as a conflict of interest. Since WADA is expected to uphold and maintain international anti-doping standards, WADA’s apparent lack of skepticism and failure to enforce the rules against CHINADA is troubling. While we are aware that WADA has opened an investigation, we are concerned that international scrutiny was necessary to force due diligence that should be routine .”  [...]  “This incident unfortunately reinforces our concern that WADA appears to be reverting to its previous poor management practices.”  [...]  “With the Paris Summer Olympic Games Opening Ceremony just a day away , the Committee seeks to better understand the circumstances surrounding WADA’s decision not to appeal the decision to clear the twenty-three swimmers who tested positive for trimetazidine.”   BACKGROUND :  In January 2021, 23 Chinese swimmers (“23 swimmers”) tested positive for trimetazidine, or TMZ, a banned substance improperly used to increase stamina and hasten recovery times.  Three months after the positive tests, CHINADA initiated an investigation into the source of the TMZ and by June 2021 claimed the athletes ingested the banned substance through food tainted in a hotel kitchen.  According to reporting, Chinese investigators “offered no explanation […] for how a prescription drug available only in pill form had contaminated an entire kitchen.”  In reliance on “external legal advice” and its science department, WADA determined that CHINADA’s claims were “plausible” and chose not to appeal the decision or further investigate the matter.  Three of these Chinese swimmers went on to win gold medals at the Tokyo Olympic Games in July of 2021.  China has selected 11 swimmers that tested positive for TMZ before the Tokyo Games to compete in the upcoming Paris Games.  In a strikingly similar case, Kamila Valieva, a Russian figure skater, also tested positive for the banned substance TMZ during the 2022 Beijing Olympics.  The Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) issued a provisional suspension but was quickly cleared by RUSADA’s discipline board, since Valieva claimed she ingested the substance by mistake through a contaminated source.  Rather than simply accept RUSADA’s contamination explanation, WADA appealed the decision and ultimately, Valieva received a four-year ban from competition and was retroactively stripped of her gold medal. The letter was signed by Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) and Committee Ranking Member Frank Pallone, Jr., (D-NJ), Subcommittee on Innovation, Data, and Commerce Chair Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) and Ranking Member Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), and Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Chair Morgan Griffith (R-VA) and Ranking Member Kathy Castor (D-FL). CLICK HERE to read the full letter.

Jul 25, 2024
Press Release

E&C Republicans Press HHS and NIH over Withheld Documents About Risky MPVX Experiment at NIAID, Threaten Subpoena

Washington, D.C. — In a new letter to Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra and National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Monica Bertagnolli, House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), Subcommittee on Health Chair Brett Guthrie (R-KY), and Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Chair Morgan Griffith (R-VA) requested documents and transcribed interviews related to an approved MPVX experiment.  The letter comes after the Committee released an interim staff report on the experiment as well as an NIH reform framework . It notes that a failure to produce the requested documents by August 8, 2024, may lead to issuance of a subpoena to compel compliance. HHS and the NIH continue to withhold critical documents requested by the Committee last year.  KEY EXCERPT :  “For nearly a year and a half, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the NIH, and NIAID misled the Committee. Both HHS and the NIH told us a risky MPXV research proposal at the NIAID had not been “'formally proposed' or 'planned' when in fact this project was submitted and received approval before the NIH’s Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) on June 30, 2015, as documented in written meeting minutes. The misleading statements were included in the following communications to the Committee:  Letter from the HHS Assistant Secretary for Legislation dated April 26, 2023.  Letter from Dr. Bernard Moss to Chair Rodgers, dated June 30, 2023.  Written statements presented at the September 21, 2023, meeting between Committee staff and NIH/NIAID officials from Dr. Bernard Moss, Dr. Steven Holland, NIAID Director of the Division of Intramural Research, and Jeffery Potts, Chief of the Biorisk Management Branch within the NIH Division of Occupational Health and Safety.  “This deception is unacceptable and has led the Committee to conclude that NIAID cannot be trusted to oversee its own research of pathogens or determine whether an experiment poses enhanced risks of a potential pandemic or other serious public health outbreak.”  [...] “NIAID’s lack of candor to this point suggests that it cannot be trusted to oversee the research projects that it funds. Therefore, this Committee will explore policy options to address this inherent conflict of interest and lack of transparency.”  ADDITIONAL BACKGROUND :  A new strain of MPXV has recently emerged that increases the risk of this disease causing a major public health outbreak or a potential pandemic. Since January, the Democratic Republic of the Congo has reported more than 4,500 suspected mpox cases and nearly 300 deaths, numbers that have roughly tripled from the same period last year, according to the World Health Organization.  Congo recently declared the outbreak across the country a health emergency. An analysis of hospitalized patients suggests recent genetic mutations are the result of continued transmissions in humans.  CLICK HERE to read the letter.

Jul 25, 2024
Press Release

E&C Republicans Open Inquiry into NTIA’s Online Domain Name Registry Contracts Ahead of Renewal

Washington, D.C. — In a new letter to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), Subcommittee on Communications and Technology Chair Bob Latta (R-OH), and Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Chair Morgan Griffith (R-VA) requested information about the agency’s internet domain name registry agreement with Verisign, Inc. (Verisign). BACKGROUND :  The NTIA represents the United States government on the Governmental Advisory Committee of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the multi-stakeholder, not-for-profit entity that was founded in 1998 to coordinate the Internet domain name system, among other Internet management-related activities. Since 2001, Verisign has operated the .com and .net domain name registries.   Verisign manages the .com registry under two agreements—a .com Registry Agreement between ICANN and Verisign and a Cooperative Agreement between the NTIA and Verisign.  Both of these agreements are in place through November 30, 2024.  As the expiration dates of these agreements approach, some have suggested that the NTIA should reassess certain aspects of both agreements.   Under the Cooperative Agreement’s terms, it will automatically renew on November 30, 2024, unless Verisign provides written notice of non-renewal within 120 days of its expiration.   The Department of Justice has previously recommended ICANN hold a competitive bidding process for renewals of registry agreements.   The current agreement, as amended, has allowed Verisign, with ICANN’s agreement, in each of the last four years of every six-year contract period, to increase the maximum price Verisign charges for yearly registration or renewal of a .com name by up to seven percent over the maximum price it charged in the previous year.   Verisign has since instituted a price increase of the maximum amount in every year it was allowed to do so.   KEY LETTER EXCERPT :  “With both a role in advising ICANN and as a party to the Cooperative Agreement, the NTIA bears responsibility for supporting a domain name system that enables the growth of online commerce. Both individual consumers and businesses depend on responsible management of the .com system. Monopolistic elements and excessive domain name price increases stifle the ability of potential .com registrants to conduct business online.  “As such, we seek more information about the NTIA’s process in considering the renewal of both the Registry Agreement and the Cooperative Agreement.”  CLICK HERE to read the letter. 

Jul 24, 2024

Chair Rodgers Opening Remarks at FERC Budget Hearing

Washington D.C. — House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) delivered the following opening remarks at today’s Energy, Climate, and Grid Security Subcommittee hearing titled “The Fiscal Year 2025 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Budget.”    “I am pleased that all five commissioners are here today to offer their testimony. Welcome back to Chairman Phillips and Commissioner Christie. “I would also like to offer a warm welcome to FERC’s newest members, Commissioners Rosner , See, and Chang. “FERC was established by Congress as an independent agency within the Department of Energy through the Department of Energy Organization Act of 1977. “While FERC is an independent agency, it still answers to Congress and must carry out the mission that Congress directs it to. “Congress established FERC as an economic regulator, to ensure that electricity, natural gas, and oil is delivered to the American people safely, securely, and at a reasonable price. “In order to achieve this, we need solutions that bring down costs for Americans, who are currently suffering under the burden of exploding costs across the board, including rising electric and utility rates. “Expanding energy with an all-of-the-above strategy will ensure Americans won’t have to worry about rationing energy in the summer or winter months or having to make tough choices about whether to pay the electric bill or buy groceries for their family.” CHALLENGES FACING AMERICA’S ENERGY SYSTEMS “That requires that FERC adhere to its core mission, especially as America’s energy and economic security is increasingly under attack by the Biden Administration and their radical rush-to-green agenda. “Over the last four years, this administration and Democrats have wreaked havoc on our nation’s economy, energy prices, and our grid and pipeline infrastructure. “They have chosen to prioritize the interests of radical environmental activists at the expense of the American people, eliminating jobs and investments for American energy workers, making us dangerously dependent on the Chinese Communist Party for our energy supply chains, and forcing the early retirement of our most affordable and reliable power plants. “Given their independence and mission, FERC should be stepping up and taking action to protect consumers. But sadly, it seems that FERC has lost sight of its mission. “FERC has the responsibility to ensure that rates for the interstate transmission of electricity and natural gas is 'just and reasonable.' “It also has a responsibility to issue timely permits for pipelines, hydropower projects, and LNG export facilities when they are in the 'public interest’ of Americans. “The commission must do more to insolate itself from the Democrat’s ‘rush-to-green' agenda and refocus on the core Congressionally directed mission.” ENERGY PRICES FOR AMERICANS “FERC also recently announced a new transmission rule, which advanced along partisan lines. “The new rule will raise energy prices and trample on states’ authority over their energy infrastructure. “It will force some states to shoulder the costs for transmission lines with no actual benefits for their own communities, especially in rural areas. “The commission has also slow walked permitting for pipelines and LNG facilities, which directly impacts the supply and price of natural gas. “At a time when more than half of the nation is at elevated risk of blackouts, we need to do more to unleash American energy, rather than throttle it. “That starts with meaningful infrastructure permitting reforms that reduce energy costs for Americans and ensure the U.S. can reach its full energy potential.” LOOKING FORWARD “I cannot say this enough: energy is foundational to everything we do. “It’s what keeps the lights on, heats our homes, and powers our hospitals, businesses, and transportation. “Access to affordable, reliable energy over the past century has raised our standard of living, driven technological innovation, and improved the health and wellbeing of all Americans. “We need to continue protecting and building on that legacy. “Today’s hearing is an opportunity for Members to hold FERC accountable and understand how recent actions, like their new transmission rule, will impact people’s financial security and our nation’s energy security.”

Jul 24, 2024

Subcommittee Chair Duncan Opening Remarks at FERC Budget Hearing

Washington D.C. — House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy, Climate, and Grid Security Chair Jeff Duncan (R-SC) delivered the following opening remarks at today’s hearing titled “The Fiscal Year 2025 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Budget.”  “Thank you to the five commissioners for appearing before the Energy, Climate, and Grid Security Subcommittee to discuss the recent activities of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.  “Chairman Phillips and Commissioner Christie, it is good to have you back. Commissioners Rosner, See, and Chang, congratulations on your recent confirmations.  “Chairman Phillips, I’d like to take a moment to commend you for your efforts to clear some of the backlog of major natural gas pipeline projects, as well as your recent vote in support of U.S. LNG exports.”   RETURNING FERC TO ITS CORE MISSION   “America is blessed with significant natural resources, and FERC plays a key role in dictating the trajectory of our energy economy. “Despite our abundance of fossil fuel, nuclear, and renewable energy resources, consumers have been hammered by soaring energy costs, particularly electricity. “The latest inflation data from June shows that electricity price Inflation exceeds the Consumer Price Index by 47 percent, and electricity rates have increased by approximately 20 percent since President Biden took office. “FERC’s mission is to, and I quote, '[a]ssist consumers in obtaining reliable, safe, secure, and economically efficient energy services at a reasonable cost through appropriate regulatory and market means, and collaborative efforts.’  “Despite the positive steps forward on natural gas pipelines and LNG facilities, we are concerned the Commission is failing to adhere to this mission in other aspects.”  GRID RELIABILITY   “No portion of FERC’s mission lends itself to being an environmental regulator.   “Yet, we are concerned the Commission has strayed from its responsibility as an economic regulator, to an entity focused on assisting the build-out of so-called 'green-energy' technologies. “This is happening despite continued alarms from the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and grid operators. “NERC’s 2024 Summer Reliability Assessment highlighted five regions of the country that are at risk of insufficient operating reserves in above-normal weather conditions. Grid operators around the nation are sounding the alarm.”  FERC ORDER 1920   “FERC’s recent Order 1920 on regional transmission planning and cost allocation—which Energy and Commerce Republicans have opposed, will drive up costs and make the grid less reliable. “I understand we will hear a different opinion on the Order from our Democratic colleagues today. That is fine, this Committee is a place of debate. “However, it is important to clarify that a recent letter, sent by 33 State Utility Commissioners supporting Order 1920, represents only a small fraction of the 238 utility regulators around the country. “One of Republicans’ main concerns with Order 1920 is that it pursues a skewed 'categories of factors' approach to transmission planning. Prioritizing blue-state renewable portfolio standards, 'green’ power subsidies designed to shift the generation mix, corporate emissions reduction commitments, and the Biden administration’s goal of achieving a carbon-free power sector by 2035. “The ultimate purpose here is clear — prioritize those projects meant to serve an environmental agenda while creating a set of seven broad benefits designed to assist transmission developers in socializing costs across a broader rate base.”  TRANSMISSION   “Republicans are not opposed to critical transmission projects that are needed to keep the lights on and utility bills affordable. “However, we are opposed to agency actions that will raise prices on consumers without reliability or cost benefits. “Transmission is an increasingly costly component of electricity rates. “The nation’s largest grid operator, PJM, has reported that the transmission component of wholesale power costs has tripled over the last decade and now makes up almost one-third of wholesale power costs. “Order 1920’s 'categories of factors' for transmission planning skirts this reality by not mentioning a factor every member of Congress and Public Utility Commissioner should care about — reducing costs on ratepayers.” EPA REGULATIONS AND GRID RELIABILITY “This concerning transmission planning policy is occurring in concert with a slew of EPA regulations that will result in reliable generation closing before the end of its useful life. “Members of the Committee on Energy and Commerce have heard time and again how EPA’s actions such as the Clean Power Plan 2.0, revised particulate matter standard, interstate transport for ozone, mercury and air toxics rule, coal ash disposal, and effluent limitation guidelines will increase costs on utilities, push them to retire reliable assets, and ultimately increase energy costs on the American people.   “Chairman Phillips, publicly you have emphasized that you care deeply about affordability and reliability.  “I take you at your word and view this as an opportunity to have a candid discussion about how FERC’s actions are impacting these two essential goals.”

Jul 23, 2024

Chair Rodgers Opening Remarks at Hearing with CDC Center Directors

Washington D.C. — House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) delivered the following opening remarks at today’s Health Subcommittee hearing titled “Are CDC's Priorities Restoring Public Trust and Improving the Health of the American People?”  “For decades, America enjoyed its status of having one of the pre-eminent public health infrastructures in the world. “Federal agencies conducted cutting edge research and facilitated private sector efforts to advance science and keep our citizens safe. “Then the COVID-19 pandemic struck.” MISSION CREEP & MISPLACED PRIORITIES “The CDC was established to assist states and localities in controlling infectious disease outbreaks. “COVID-19 should have been the agency’s moment to shine. “Unfortunately, on almost every level—the CDC fell flat. “From egregious flaws in testing, confusing—and, at times, blatantly misleading—communication mishaps, and one-size-fits-all guidance and mandates, the CDC failed at its primary job of helping states and localities detect, respond to, and control a disease outbreak. “These failures beg the question, why did the CDC fail to execute its principal mission at the time of most need? “Was it because the agency’s focus has strayed too far from its core mission? “Is the agency spread too thin across competing and misguided priorities, and how do we refocus the agency to most effectively meet the needs of the American people? “It is notable that between fiscal years 2013 and 2014, non-communicable disease funding increased by 150 percent. “Over the same time period, there have been consistent increases in the rates of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, obesity, and hypertension. “There is clearly a disconnect here—Congress has a responsibility to understand what the return on that investment has been. “As the Committee responsible for overseeing the CDC, we must question the effectiveness of these programs, understand who at CDC is responsible for evaluating these programs, and whether these investments would be better directed elsewhere.” BROKEN PUBLIC TRUST “The unfortunate truth is that Americans have lost faith in our public health agencies—particularly in the CDC. “The agency’s many failures rightfully led people to question whether the guidance being released was actually grounded in science, reason, or even common sense. “As our Committee helped to uncovered, the six-foot social distancing rule 'just kind of appeared,' as Dr. Fauci put it. “More recently, Dr. Fauci attributed the decision to mandate the six-foot social distancing rule entirely to CDC. “And yet the CDC has failed to explain how it was coming to its conclusions during that time, who was making these decisions, why it was issuing such guidance, and how that guidance would keep people safe. “The CDC failed to explain how our understanding of the science evolved and changed over time. “And the CDC failed to offer any kind of nuance as to who was vulnerable and who wasn’t. “These failures led to massive learning loss for our children that set them decades behind, a mental health crisis, and economic hardship.” RESTORING PUBLIC TRUST “We need the CDC to be successful and credible for the health and future of our nation—but there is a lot of work that needs to be done to restore people’s trust. “Late last year, we held a hearing with the Director of the CDC, Dr. Cohen. At that hearing we heard updates on the CDC-wide 'Moving Forward' initiative. “We likely have differing opinions on how productive and effective that initiative has been and the outcomes it has generated. “However, I think that initiative does show that we can all agree that work must be done to rebuild public trust in the CDC and our public health institutions. “That work will only be successful if the CDC’s leadership and your Centers and Offices are truly committed to reform and are willing to show you can make the hard decisions that need to be made. “This means admitting where inefficiencies exist and taking accountability for mistakes. “It means being honest about what you know and do not know, and when you know it.  “It means making honest attempts to streamline and—perhaps in some cases—eliminate programs that are no longer working for the American people. “And it means showing the American people you value their judgment, their individual perspectives, and that you are committed to regaining their trust. “My hope is that we can work together to achieve this, starting with today’s conversation.” 

Jul 23, 2024
Press Release

Health Subcommittee Vice Chair Bucshon Opening Remarks at CDC Budget Hearing

Washington D.C. — House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health Vice Chair Larry Bucshon (R-IN) delivered the following opening remarks on behalf of Subcommittee Chair Brett Guthrie (R-KY) at today’s hearing titled “Are CDC's Priorities Restoring Public Trust and Improving the Health of the American People?”  “Today we are here to assess the effectiveness over the past several years of key centers within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “With an agency that receives nearly $20 billion in annual funding and plays a critical role in assisting our states and localities with preparedness and response efforts, it is essential for Congress to evaluate the job the CDC is doing to achieve its mission. “I still believe today the CDC is the preeminent organization in the world for the role they play. “The agency’s mission states that it’s designed to, 'Work 24/7 to protect America from health, safety and security threats, both foreign and in the United States […] To accomplish our mission, CDC conducts critical science and provides health information that protects our nation against expensive and dangerous health threats and responds when they arise.’ “To know and fully understand the CDC’s mission is to realize the history of the agency. Originally established in 1946, the CDC was in effect an extension of the Department of Defense and created to help track malaria internationally. “Today the agency operates 23 different centers, institutes, and offices that all have different focuses.  We will hear from the directors of six of these centers today about their role in executing the CDC’s mission and their vision for the future.” COMBATTING OUR OVERDOSE EPIDEMIC “Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit our shores, Americans have experienced historic rises in drug overdoses fueled by a tragic rise in illicit fentanyl being trafficked across our Southern Border, from China and Mexico and into the United States. “Overdose prevention remains one of the CDC’s core responsibilities, but data show rising year-over-year overdose rates, indicating the overdose prevention efforts require some scrutiny. “This includes whether federal overdose prevention and response efforts can be streamlined across agencies to help better direct resources to communities most in need. “The nation now potentially faces a threat with the H5 Avian Influenza, which is impacting poultry and dairy farms, and has infected 10 farmworkers across the United States. “While the Avian Influenza does not currently present imminent harm to humans, my hope is the CDC learned some lessons from COVID-19 and will be adequately prepared to respond if needed.” RETURNING THE CDC TO ITS ORIGINAL MISSION “The CDC has received over $1 billion in directed funding for a 'Data Modernization Initiative' that has yet to bear fruit. There are many outstanding questions as to where this funding has gone, how much has been utilized, and for what purposes. “The agency continues to seek additional data authorities, despite operating over 100 surveillance programs and skepticism around the authorities they already have. We need strong answers to justify why these authorities are needed. “While I do give the agency credit for taking the step towards a much needed reform and reorganization, I do believe increased reflection is needed—particularly for an agency that technically remains unauthorized. “The American people deserve a CDC that is accountable to its core mission—preparedness and response to infectious diseases. Otherwise, we risk repeating past failures and placing millions of American lives at stake.”

Jul 23, 2024

Chair Rodgers Opening Remarks at NRC Budget Hearing

Washington D.C. — House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) delivered the following opening remarks at today’s Energy, Climate, and Grid Security Subcommittee hearing titled “The Fiscal Year 2025 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Budget.” “Welcome Chairman Hanson and Commissioners. It is good to have you back before the Committee. “American leadership in nuclear technology is critical to our economic and national security. “It’s how we win the future with reliable, affordable, and clean energy to power our way of life, keep the lights on, build stronger communities, and achieve economic prosperity. “The Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s safety mission serves a critical role in the success of the American nuclear industry. “Making sure NRC performs this mission to achieve the great promise of nuclear energy is your core responsibility.” TAKING ACTION TO BOLSTER NUCLEAR ENERGY “Since you last testified before the Committee in June of last year, Congress developed and enacted several important laws to help unleash the full benefits of American nuclear energy. “This Committee led on passing legislation to eliminate reliance on Russian uranium and legislation to secure and build our own nuclear fuel industry right here in the U.S. “We also extended the Price Anderson Act for forty years, ensuring long-term liability coverage for reactors, which is essential for revitalizing the industry and getting more reliable, affordable power into our homes and businesses. “And, perhaps most relevant for today, the Committee developed the Atomic Energy Advancement Act , landmark legislation signed into law earlier this month as the ADVANCE Act . “This legislation will establish requirements and incentives to expand the use of nuclear energy and its many benefits for the United States. “It will drive a more efficient, timely, and predictable NRC licensing process, which will encourage investment by reducing licensing costs for advanced technologies and facilitate the deployment of innovative new nuclear energy technologies—from reactors, to fusion, to fuels and fuel facilities. “Taken together, these laws will strengthen our ability to compete globally and help power our future.” RESTORING THE MISION OF NRC “The ADVANCE Act takes significant steps to align NRC’s mission with the policy of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 to ‘make the maximum contribution to the general welfare…increase the standard of living [...] and strengthen free competition and private enterprise [...] through the development, use, and control of atomic energy.’ “With the ADVANCE Act , Congress spoke loud and clear about NRC’s role. “NRC cannot be a barrier to innovation and deployment. “A strong American nuclear industry is critical to U.S. energy security by helping us compete with Russia and China, and meet our growing energy needs here at home. “With this legislation, NRC now has the tools and direction from Congress necessary to unleash American nuclear energy and get back to its core mission. “America already has the best operating fleet in the world. “The performance and safety of our nuclear plants is unmatched. “And there are numerous promising and advanced nuclear technologies that simply require NRC licensing approval to begin deployment. “This hearing is an opportunity for this committee to better understand how you plan to implement these new laws as Congress intended and meet the urgency of the moment. “A robust and growing nuclear industry is critical for reducing emissions, and providing reliable, affordable, clean energy to the American people. “The Energy and Commerce Committee, in coordination with our Senate partners, has worked hard this Congress to come together on solutions to unleash America’s nuclear energy that will improve people’s lives and make our country stronger and more prosperous. “I look forward to discussing next steps to ensure the NRC is implementing the law effectively.”