Leader Rodgers: Defending Life is the Human Rights Issue of Our Generation
Democrats’ Extreme Abortion Agenda Nationalizes Abortion for All Nine Months
Washington, D.C. — Energy and Commerce Committee Republican Leader Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) led debate against Democrats’ Abortions on Demand Until Birth Act on the House floor. It nationalizes abortion for all nine months of pregnancy. Leader Rodgers defended the unborn because “all lives are worth living.”

“To protect the helpless, most powerless, and most innocent among us, I rise in strong opposition to H.R. 8296, the Abortion on Demand Until Birth Act.
“This is not about codifying Roe v Wade.
“Why? Because it nationalizes abortion for all nine months of pregnancy. All nine months.
“This would make America just as radical as China and North Korea.
“The Abortion on Demand Until Birth Act would legalize discriminatory abortions based on sex, race, and disability, including Down syndrome.
“It overrides state laws that protect women from coercion, and it would weaken the conscience protections to force pro-life doctors to perform abortions and end a life.
“This is especially frightening for pregnancy centers, faith-based providers, and medical professionals, who are using amazing medical achievements and treating both mothers and their babies in the womb as patients.
“We are doing prenatal heart surgery, today, in the United States of America.
“The Abortion on Demand Until Birth Act has nothing to do with protecting the health of women. It has everything to do with forcing an extreme agenda on the American people.”
“Rather than prey on women’s vulnerabilities and fears and nationalize abortion for all nine months, we should be coming together to support women and their families at every stage of pregnancy and beyond.
“Every mother matters.
“76 percent of women seeking an abortion say they would choose life if their circumstances were different.
“The focus should be on how to change their circumstances, help them access the care and support they need and improve their lives.
“Presenting abortion up until birth as a women’s only option is a false choice.
“There are nearly 3,000 pregnancy centers in all 50 states.
“They outnumber Planned Parenthood by more than 2,000 facilities.
“These pregnancy centers—which are right now under violent attack by pro-abortion groups—provide medical care, resources, education, and mentoring to women.
“They must be protected—not undermined and threatened by an extreme abortion agenda.”
“The Supreme Court has affirmed the American people’s right to speak through their elected officials to enact laws that protect unborn children.
“The question is upon us, today, is how are we going to respond? How is this body going to respond to the greatest human rights issue of our generation?
“Ladies and gentlemen, that’s the question. This is the human rights issue of our generation.
“Do not close your ears! Do not close your eyes! Do not close your heart!
“Is it by dehumanizing life and promoting a culture that destroys the weakest among us?
“Or is it by making abortion unthinkable leading a new era where every person’s God-given unalienable human rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all the way we will define ourselves?
“Let’s come together, let's protect the human rights of the unborn.
“We cannot deny life to the most disadvantaged and marginalized among us. They have no voice to defend themselves.
“Madame Speaker, abortion for all nine months is not the will of the American people.
“I urge opposition to H.R. 8296, the Abortion on Demand Until Birth Act because all lives are worth living.”