Chair Rodgers: “This is not a pause. This is a ban.”

Washington D.C. — House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) delivered the following opening remarks at today’s Energy, Climate, and Grid Security Subcommittee hearing on President Biden’s LNG export ban.

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“The U.S. is blessed with tremendous natural resources, which we’ve been able to harness as a result of free market principles and an entrepreneurial spirit that’s uniquely American. 

“We’ve harnessed the power of nuclear energy, electrified millions of rural American’s homes with clean hydropower, and ushered in the Shale Revolution, which unleashed clean natural gas. 

“As a result of this, America is the number one producer and exporter of liquefied natural gas in the world.

“This has helped to shift markets and bolster our own energy security—and that of our allies—away from adversaries, like Russia and Iran, and has enabled the U.S. to reduce emissions more than any other nation, both at home and abroad.” 

“Leadership matters. American leadership matters.” 


“Rather than celebrating this legacy, President Biden is ‘heeding the calls’—as he puts it—of radical environmental activists who are intent on shutting down American energy. 

“The President’s recent decision to impose a moratorium on new permits for clean U.S. natural gas exports is the latest example of his administration putting politics over people.

“The administration has made its intentions clear. This is not a ‘pause,’ as they’ve claimed. This is a ban. 

“The administration is ignoring the fact that natural gas continues to create millions of new jobs, bring manufacturing back to the U.S., and revitalize communities across the country. 

“In 2022, in Pennsylvania alone, the natural gas industry supported $41.4 billion in economic activity, and shale gas development supported over 120,000 jobs.    

“There are similar experiences in states and communities across the country. 

“President Biden’s LNG export ban will end these benefits for local economies, kill good American jobs, and increase energy prices for people across the board. 

“It will send manufacturing overseas, increase our dangerous dependence on China, and discourage investment in future American energy production.” 


“This ban is not only bad for the country, it’s bad for our allies.  

“U.S. LNG has been a lifeline to Europe ever since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.  

“It has helped reduce natural gas prices in Europe by over 83 percent from 2022 levels following Russia’s invasion. 

“In December 2023 alone, 61 percent of U.S. LNG exports went to Europe, keeping their homes heated, their businesses running, and their lights on. 

“It has also helped them reduce emissions—not only is U.S. LNG more than 40 percent cleaner than Russian natural gas—it’s a better option for power generation than other alternatives currently being used. 

“U.S. exports spurred our European allies to quickly invest in new LNG import facilities in order to further wean themselves off of Russian natural gas.  

“This decision to ban exports is a gift to Putin, giving the Russians greater leverage over our allies while further funding their evil activities, including their aggression against the Ukrainian people. 

“It will destabilize Europe’s energy market and signal to our allies that we are no longer a dependable partner.” 


“From day one, President Biden has mobilized bureaucrats across the federal government to force an energy transition on Americans. 

“From efforts like the Clean Power Plan 2.0, which will force states to change fundamentally how they generate electricity and raise costs across the board, to electric vehicle mandates that force Americans to buy electric vehicles, a more expensive and less reliable alternative to other options. 

“This administration’s rush-to-green agenda is shutting down American energy production, driving up costs to consumers, costing people their jobs, and making us more reliant on China.   

“America’s abundant energy resources are critical to our economic and national security. 

“Instead of shutting down American energy, we should be doubling down and ensuring energy security for us and our allies. 

“President Biden’s 'keep it in the ground' policies are unsustainable and are harming America’s future.  

“Only by standing up for American values of free market competition, innovation, and environmental stewardship, can we protect our future.  

“Today’s hearing will give Members an opportunity to hear perspectives from those who are being intentionally left out of the conversation by the Biden administration.    

“We will also hear about important solutions, like H.R. 7176, led by Representative Pfluger, which will immediately end the Biden administration’s ban on LNG exports. 

“The President must stop putting politics over the American people. He must reverse this reckless decision and stop these attacks on American energy independence.”