Walden Statement on WH Infrastructure Meeting

Feb 14, 2018
Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Greg Walden (R-OR) today released the below statement following the bipartisan, bicameral infrastructure meeting hosted by President Trump at the White House earlier today.

“I appreciate President Trump and members from both sides of the aisle taking the time to sit down and discuss what should be a shared priority for us all: rebuilding our nation’s infrastructure. Here at E&C, we stand ready to work with anyone and everyone to help deploy broadband internet to every corner of our country and improve energy distribution to bring energy prices down for consumers. I hope this meeting was the first of many instances where Republicans and Democrats come together and work in good faith on this and many other important issues to build a stronger America together.”

E&C Infrastructure Efforts by the Numbers:

24 – the number of #SubEnergy and #SubEnvironment infrastructure bills that have passed the House. Several more have passed the full committee or have been reviewed in legislative hearings.

25 – the number of #SubCommTech infrastructure bills reviewed during a legislative hearing on 1/30/2018.

46 – the number of infrastructure-related hearings held by E&C during the 115th Congress.

#SubEnergy and #SubEnvironment Infrastructure Bills:

Pipeline Infrastructure

  • H.R. 2910, Promoting Interagency Coordination for Review of Natural Gas Pipelines Act (PASSED HOUSE)

  • H.R. 2883, Promoting Cross-Border Energy Infrastructure Act (PASSED HOUSE)

Hydropower Bills

  • H.R. 2872, Promoting Hydropower Development at Existing Nonpowered Dams Act (PASSED HOUSE)

  • H.R. 2880, Promoting Closed-Loop Pumped Storage Hydropower Act (PASSED HOUSE)

  • H.R. 3043, the Hydropower Policy Modernization Act of 2017 (PASSED HOUSE)

  • H.R. 2828, To Extend the Deadline for Commencement of Construction of a Hydroelectric Project (PASSED HOUSE)

  • H.R. 2786, To Amend the Federal Power Act with Respect to the Criteria and Process to Qualify as a Qualifying Conduit Hydropower Facility (PASSED HOUSE)

  • H.R. 2457, J. Bennet Johnston Waterway Hydropower Extension Act of 2017 (PASSED HOUSE)

  • H.R. 2292, To Extend a Project of the Federal Energy Commission Involving the Cannonsville Dam (PASSED HOUSE)

  • H.R. 2274, HYPE Act (PASSED HOUSE)

  • H.R. 2122, To reinstate and extend the deadline for commencement of construction of a hydroelectric project involving Jennings Randolph Dam (PASSED HOUSE)

  • H.R. 951, To extend the deadline for commencement of a hydroelectric project (PASSED HOUSE)

  • H.R. 446, To extend the deadline for commencement of construction of a hydroelectric project (PASSED HOUSE)

  • H.R. 447, To extend the deadline for commencement of construction of a hydroelectric project (PASSED HOUSE)

Environment Related

  • H.R. 3017, Brownfields Enhancement, Economic Redevelopment, and Reauthorization Act of 2017 (PASSED HOUSE)

  • H.R. 806, Ozone Standards Implementation Act of 2017 (PASSED HOUSE)

Energy Efficiency and Security

  • H.R. 587, Fair RATES Act (PASSED HOUSE)

  • H.R. 627, Streamlining Energy Efficiency for Schools Act of 2017 (PASSED HOUSE)

  • H.R. 306, Energy Efficient Government Technology Act (PASSED HOUSE)

  • H.R. 3050, Enhancing State and Energy Security Planning and Emergency Preparedness Act (PASSED HOUSE)

  • H.R. 590, Advanced Nuclear Technology Development Act (PASSED HOUSE)

  • H.R. 1109, To amend section 203 of the Federal Power Act (PASSED HOUSE)

  • H.R. 338, To promote a 21st century energy and manufacturing workforce (PASSED HOUSE)

  • H.R. 1733, To direct the Secretary of Energy to review and update a report on the energy and environmental benefits of the re-refining of lubricating oil. (PASSED HOUSE)

Drinking Water

  • H.R. 3387, the Drinking Water System Improvement Act (PASSED THE ENERGY AND COMMERCE COMMITTEE)

Nuclear Waste Storage

  • H.R. 3053, the Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act (PASSED THE ENERGY AND COMMERCE COMMITTEE)

To learn more about the committee’s energy and environment infrastructure initiatives, click here.

#SubCommTech Infrastructure Bills: 

  • H.Res. 687, To express the sense of the House of Representatives that Federal, State, and local taxes, fees, regulations, and permitting policies should be coordinated and reconciled to maximize the benefits of broadband investment. (REVIEWED AT SUBCOMMITTEE HEARING, JANUARY 30, 2018)

  • H.Res. 689, To express the sense of the House of Representatives that any infrastructure legislation that provides Federal funds to wireless broadband providers to promote wireless broadband deployment should prioritize funds for those in States that have enacted streamlined siting requirements for small cells. (REVIEWED AT SUBCOMMITTEE HEARING, JANUARY 30, 2018)

  • H.Res. 690, To express the sense of the House of Representatives that no Federal funds granted, awarded, or loaned should be used to fund broadband infrastructure projects where another broadband service provider is already offering service or where funds are already being leveraged to build-out services. (REVIEWED AT SUBCOMMITTEE HEARING, JANUARY 30, 2018)

  • H.Res. 691, To express the sense of the House of Representatives that any infrastructure legislation to promote broadband internet access service should treat all broadband and communications facilities in a competitively and technologically neutral manner. (REVIEWED AT SUBCOMMITTEE HEARING, JANUARY 30, 2018)

  • H.Res. 701, To express the sense of the House of Representatives that any NEPA studies conducted for broadband deployment should be limited to the area of impact. (REVIEWED AT SUBCOMMITTEE HEARING, JANUARY 30, 2018)

  • H.R. 4795, the Communications Facilities Deployment on Federal Property Act of 2018 (REVIEWED AT SUBCOMMITTEE HEARING, JANUARY 30, 2018)

  • H.R. 4798, the Inventory of Assets for Communications Facilities Act of 2018 (REVIEWED AT SUBCOMMITTEE HEARING, JANUARY 30, 2018)

  • H.R. 4802, the Streamlining and Expediting Approval for Communications Technologies Act (REVIEWED AT SUBCOMMITTEE HEARING, JANUARY 30, 2018)

  • H.R. 4810, the Making Available Plans to Promote Investment in Next Generation Networks Without Overbuilding and Waste (MAPPING NOW) Act of 2018 (REVIEWED AT SUBCOMMITTEE HEARING, JANUARY 30, 2018)

  • H.R. 4813, the Wireless Internet Focus on Innovation in Spectrum Technology for Unlicensed Deployment (WIFI STUDy) Act. (REVIEWED AT SUBCOMMITTEE HEARING, JANUARY 30, 2018)

  • H.R. 4817, the Promoting Exchanges for Enhanced Routing of Information so Networks are Great (PEERING) Act of 2018 (REVIEWED AT SUBCOMMITTEE HEARING, JANUARY 30, 2018)

  • H.R. 4832, the Restoring Economic Strength and Telecommunications Operations by Releasing Expected Dollars (RESTORED) Act of 2018 (REVIEWED AT SUBCOMMITTEE HEARING, JANUARY 30, 2018)

  • H.R. 4842, the Streamlining permitting to Enable Efficient Deployment of Broadband Infrastructure (SPEED) Act of 2018 (REVIEWED AT SUBCOMMITTEE HEARING, JANUARY 30, 2018)

  • H.R. 4845, Connecting Communities Post Disasters Act (REVIEWED AT SUBCOMMITTEE HEARING, JANUARY 30, 2018)

  • H.R. 4847, the Broadband Deployment Streamlining Act of 2018 (REVIEWED AT SUBCOMMITTEE HEARING, JANUARY 30, 2018)

  • H.R. 4881, Precision Agriculture Connectivity Act of 2018 (REVIEWED AT SUBCOMMITTEE HEARING, JANUARY 30, 2018)

  • H.R. 2903, Rural Reasonable and Comparable Wireless Access Act (REVIEWED AT SUBCOMMITTEE HEARING, JANUARY 30, 2018)

  • H.R. 2479, the Leading Infrastructure for Tomorrow’s (LIFT) America Act (REVIEWED AT SUBCOMMITTEE HEARING, JANUARY 30, 2018)

  • H.R. 3994, the Advancing Critical Connectivity Expands Service, Small Business Resources, Opportunities, Access, and Data Based on Assessed Need and Demand (ACCESS BROADBAND) Act (REVIEWED AT SUBCOMMITTEE HEARING, JANUARY 30, 2018)

  • H.R. 4287, the Broadband Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (REVIEWED AT SUBCOMMITTEE HEARING, JANUARY 30, 2018)

  • H.R. 4814, the Community Broadband Act of 2018 (REVIEWED AT SUBCOMMITTEE HEARING, JANUARY 30, 2018)

  • H.R. 4858, the Clearing Local Impediments Makes Broadband Open to New Competition and Enhancements (CLIMB ONCE) Act (REVIEWED AT SUBCOMMITTEE HEARING, JANUARY 30, 2018)

  • H.R. 1581, Tribal Digital Access Act (REVIEWED AT SUBCOMMITTEE HEARING, JANUARY 30, 2018)

  • H.R. 1546, Rural Wireless Act (REVIEWED AT SUBCOMMITTEE HEARING, JANUARY 30, 2018)

  • H.R. 4876, Connecting Broadband Deserts Act (REVIEWED AT SUBCOMMITTEE HEARING, JANUARY 30, 2018)

To learn more about the committee’s work on broadband infrastructure, click here.