Leader Rodgers's Statement on Facebook Oversight Board

Washington, D.C. – Today, Energy and Commerce Committee Republican Leader Rodgers issued the following statement in response to Facebook’s Oversight Board’s decision to uphold the ban on President Trump’s account: 

This is Orwellian. An oversight board—who operated behind closed doors for months and whose decision makers remain secret—clearly has no interest in providing accountability over Big Tech’s abuse of power that undermines free speech. The sheer lack of transparency and accountability throughout this entire process has been deeply troubling,” said Rodgers.  

“Big Tech operates without clear, consistent moderation rules, and their appeals system lacks transparency. For the Oversight Board to punt such an important decision back to Facebook after months of secret deliberations calls into question their purpose. This is unacceptable and only underscores the need for Congress to step up our work to bring much-needed reform and oversight to Big Tech.” 

NOTE: Before President Trump was banned from Facebook, Leader Rodgers said: “There are no excuses for the mob and what occurred in the People’s House. I do not agree with my colleagues who are pressuring Twitter and Facebook to de-platform the President. Rather, President Trump should use his platform to lower the temperature and encourage a peaceful transition of power. Censoring the sitting President of the United States has serious free speech consequences that will extend far beyond President Trump's time in office.”