Chair Rodgers Statement on Insulin Prices

Feb 07, 2023
Press Release

Washington, D.C.— House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy Rodgers (R-WA) released the following statement regarding President Biden’s State of the Union remarks on the President’s misleading claims on insulin prices: 

“President Biden refuses to acknowledge that mandating a cap on insulin copays fails to address the root cause of insulin prices. Instead, it will lead to higher premiums for all seniors, and if he gets his way, all Americans.  

“By contrast, former-President Trump brought together insurers and drug makers to voluntarily agree to offer drug plans capping seniors’ insulin costs. The model worked so well that President Biden tried to claim credit for it. Unfortunately, Democrats have since scrapped the voluntary model to institute a federal mandate in its place.  

“It’s time for the President to abandon his socialist price-schemes and work across the aisle to make insulin products more affordable without jeopardizing insulin competition and innovation.”